

AngularReact NativeHtmlScssjavascriptTypescript

Quiz4math is an idea to connect the technology with the candidate students of Panhellenic National Exams. I started the Quiz4math when I was attending the 3rd class of High School to help my classmates. Then it was a simple website with Html5, css3, javascript, jquery and bootstrap. The user can answer a quiz (random questions) of True/False type in math. Also, Quiz4math has articles on Euronews, Reader, and Alfavita. When I finished my school years, I found my collaborators (and now the co-owners of Quiz4math). We created the new quiz4math to connect the technology of Algorithms and statistics for the good of students. This new Quiz4math we created with Angular, Ruby on Rails and React native. My role in this project is as a front-end developer and project manager. Check our app and our website at the icons down below.

Any thoughts? Feel free to share them with me!